Friday, January 22, 2010

Stare For Ghost Video Creepy Dream With Ghosts And Japan?

Creepy dream with ghosts and Japan? - stare for ghost video

When he started, I was in Tokyo, with a girl (I've never seen). It was really black and the type of fog that had everything that I saw the neon of the city. Suddenly she began to run, and it was great leap (like 250-300 feet) along certain platform on which side of the building. Then I started to run very fast to try to catch up. The next thing I knew I was in this temple in the country. I must be there to a ghost town Haunted think catching this temple. The temple was a little uncomfortable, had no walls or windows, but it was really huge. It was very cold there. Then enter reminded me (again, someone I've never seen). He said that I captured the ghost on video, and we should leave the temple and return to the city. When we returned to Tokyo, we arrived in a large building, like the man said it was a sushi bar. The last thing I remember is that I looked around the restaurant like everyone with what felt like giving trouble. Finally he stopped and remember that youAds in silence for a minute, then I woke up.

I felt very uncomfortable in the presence of the dream of all, when I saw the whole time. All ideas of what it means?


cashkill said...

God is the most powerful man in everything, what we have hoped, even EXPERIENCE!
I urge all families to keep all hands and seek together. : This prayer
You will never regret it.
Sets your disbelief and say this prayer to God to come into your life, there there, waiting, hoping that this election and say, make it.
He has a plan for your life that can and will help with everything to do so. He wants the best that you can. He loves you and did not choose you free will, His mercy in your life or that he is your first time, leaving the door open for you. A cross you in the arms of love.
May God help you if you just ask.
If you are Christ as Savior and turn from your sins, you can ask your Savior and Lord by praying a prayer like this:
"Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. Please forgive me my sins and give me the gift of eternal life. I ask my life and my heart to my Lord and Savior . I want to serve forever. "; Amen
He helped me, and I want to feel you, your love.
Then please click forward it to others, so that they can learn about the gods favor you, too!

Luke said...

The dream has a strange effect on our mind when we wake up, but can not forget that they are the dreams. You may have read many stories of fear in the books, what I think, and watch the thing in the dreams of all people, because we are ourselves, because in the dream. Im sure nothing, or his great fear in the real world than other radios or nightmare you had.

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