Saturday, February 6, 2010

Men In Speedos Clipart What Is More Offensive To Americans On A Beach: Topless Women Or Men In Speedos?

What is more offensive to Americans on a beach: topless women or men in speedos? - men in speedos clipart

If you are in a foreign land on a beach, which is un-American: UVA topless women or men UVA bathing suit?


NakedRei said...

I do not like men in Speedo, and I tan topless all the time.

THEAmeri... said...

I have found in over 30 countries around the world, and I saw topless women and naked on the beach, men in tiny bikinis swimwear smaller than the U.S. (and the pocket channel) and naked. I was not shocked one of them. I am a "big as a person" be violated by social norms that do not conform to the laws of this great nation. "When in Rome ..."

cj h said...

SPEDOS If I ever get one, in the eye of the sea and they would stick to keep it there Oppen ID Rether my eyes are burning after they see a boy in a speedo girls now have a difrent story when I saw, with a limit up and ran to their number and ask the hotel or home address and room number and a condom placed Shure little:)

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